Thinking of each and every one of you this week!
Morning Everybody,
Thinking of each and everyone of you this week as we know life is a little harsh at the moment for many and keeping it together can be tough.
We have had so many wonderful customers open their hearts to our flood appeal. We were truly overwhelmed with your generosity. So now it is only fair we give back to you in the best way we know how - Food!
To say a big thank you, we are gifting each of you this week a beautiful bunch of autumn orange, purple & yellow carrots. Packed full of nutrients, beautiful to look at and eat! We hope you drizzle them with honey and pine nuts, bake them in the oven & pair with a loving meal to share with your family.
Enjoy & Remember to breathe - You are awesome!
PS: Place your orders now to secure everything you need for your kitchen.
Finally, we'd also love to hear from you and see how can we can improve so please leave us a review here.

At FreshBox, bringing you the freshest food each week (in a sustainable box) is our priority. We're all about supporting local farmers and making sure you can access affordable organics too. Here's what's fresh in this week, we know you'll love it.

Lasagne, Potato Bake & Curries are back!

Nature is pleased with simplicity, and nature is no dummy.
Isaac Newton