Back to School Lunch Box Ideas by Champagne Pilgrim Collaborator March 18, 2019 Easy Peasy Sandwich*, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes and bio cheese (vegan cheese) cubes. apricot balls, apple slices and banana dipped in chia seeds. Berries Delicious Carrot and cucumber sticks, bio cheese (vegan cheese) cubes, orange quarters and fresh berries, Dried Banana* and date and almond log That’s a Wrap Wraps* with tuna and salad, Coconut Yogurt*, cacao mini muffins, Activated Seeds* with Goji berries and hemp seeds and Dried Fruit Salad* Melon Magic Vegetable Muffins*, Beet and Sweet Potato Crisps*, carrot rounds, rice crackers and melon balls. Paleo Pizza Pizza*, simple green salad, Chia and Flax Crackers*, Apple Cinnamon Bars* and Probiotic Jellies*. Share Share on Facebook Related Articles 4 Easy Breakfast Recipes So you’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important... Food Waste: Why it Matters Health Alert for contaminated strawberries with needles. Investigations into cases of contaminated strawberries remain ongoing with n... Outstanding Vitamins and Minerals in Brussel Sprouts Believed to have originated from Brussels in Belgium the tiny... Revealed: The foods we are eating that contain weed-killer. A number of Australian foods have been found to contain... The Amazing Health Benefits of Bone Broth I have a confession to make. I have long been... 5 cooking oils that should feature in your pantry I grew up in the 80's, when a typical lunch... Fermented Food is Good For Your Health...Trust Your Gut on This One So you're exercising regularly, eating all your veggies at dinner,... View all